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Главная » 2013 » Декабрь » 6 » cheap car insurance in tampa fl
cheap car insurance in tampa fl

Tampa Auto Insurance - Get FREE Quotes and Save Money

cheap car insurance in tampa fl

Tampa Auto Insurance

If youre in need of  cheap auto insurance in Tampa Florida, if you want to compare some of the best quotes from top rated national and local insurance companies, we can help you. All you have to do is to complete a simple online form. Here how you can save up to 450 dollars.

But how can you find an adequate cover without wasting time for shopping around or making long phone conversations? The answer is so simple – fill the online form with some basic information regarding yourself and your vehicle and save time and money.

Florida requires that all drivers carry a minimum policy with two coverage types – PDL and PIP. Each one  must have a minimum payout of $10,000. Buying insurance that meets the bare bones state mandated requirements will almost always be your cheapest option. However, many drivers are not comfortable with only PDL and PIP coverage, considering what they offer:

Personal damage liability or PDL insurance only covers other people’s property that you damage with your car. The insurance protects you from potential lawsuits if you are the at fault driver in an accident, but if your car is damaged your insurance company will not cover for repairs.

Personal injury protection or PIP insurance covers you or other people riding in your car if an accident occurs that results in personal injury, regardless of who caused the accident. PIP also protects bicyclists, pedestrians, and even children riding on school buses, and is also known as Florida’s no fault insurance.

Although the minimum coverage is very affordable, a baseline policy will not cover any repairs to your car or any large medical bills. A minor crash could set you back thousands for repair costs, and a major one could leave you stranded without a car.

Tampa Auto Insurance Rates

The average annual auto insurance in Tampa costs over $2,100 which is nearly $600 more than what people pay across the country. The local residents of Tampa pay $250 more than the average insurance premium in Florida.

They say that the citizens of Tampa pay more due to the No Fault insurance system in Florida. The law has its critics.PIP fraud has become a huge issue which increases insurance premiums for everyone. Some counties are already putting in place new rules and regulations, requiring licensing of medical clinics which deal mostly with PIP patients.

Some groups blame the insurance companies for the high prices, others greedy attorneys or the state lawmakers.

Although, the major factors are almost alike, the different companies use different formulas to calculate insurance rates.  They take into consideration your credit score, driving record, gender, age, type and model of your vehicle, place of residence and even occupation. That is why the cost of insurance rates is individual for every driver.

And finally – if you want to save money, energy and time – don’t make mistakes, such as taking the first quote you get or renewing your policy automatically. Just complete our simple online form and get a cheaper decision of your problems. Let us work for you.

Auto Insurance Agents in Tampa (FL)

AAA Insurance

- 14055 Riveredge Dr Ste 500, Tampa, FL

Adrian Fernandez Insurance Inc

- 6115 N Armenia Ave Ste A, Tampa, FL

American Landmark Insurance

cheap car insurance in tampa fl

Tampa Auto Insurance - Get FREE Quotes and Save Money


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